Sedation Dentistry Sarasota, FL

Are you nervous about your next dentist appointment? Do you feel scared just thinking about visiting the dentist? You’re not alone. Dr. Melvin Benson offers sedation dentistry in Sarasota, FL, to help patients who are anxious or fearful of dental visits. Dr. Benson has a certification in Adult Conscious Sedation from DOCS Education, making him well-equipped to help you get the dental care you need.

The Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation (DOCS) offers training for dentists who want to learn about sedation dentistry. Through their courses, dentists stay updated on the best methods to ensure patient comfort. After completing their training, dentists can safely provide different types of sedation, making dental visits more comfortable and stress-free for patients.

Dental Sedation in Sarasota, Florida

Who Benefits from Sedation Dentistry?

Many patients find sedation dentistry helpful, especially if they have dental anxiety. Sedation can also benefit patients with:

  • Fear of loud noises, tools, or pain
  • A strong gag reflex
  • Certain medical conditions
  • A low pain tolerance

Sedation is also useful for patients who need several treatments in one visit or have complex procedures. Our team works closely with each patient to find the best solution for their needs, oral health, and budget. If you have questions about your insurance or payment options, we’re here to help.

Types of Sedation We Offer

Dr. Benson offers two types of sedation: oral conscious sedation and nitrous oxide. These options can help patients feel more comfortable during their treatment.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation involves taking a pill before your appointment. We will give you a prescription and instructions on how to take the medication. This sedative helps you feel deeply relaxed, though you will remain awake and responsive during the procedure. While you may feel drowsy, you will still be aware of what’s happening, and you won’t feel pain.

Since this sedation affects you before and after your appointment, you will need someone to drive you to and from the office. It’s also important to have someone stay with you after the procedure until the effects fully wear off.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas,” is a common sedation option. It’s a colorless, odorless gas that helps patients feel calm and relaxed. We administer nitrous oxide through a mask that fits over your nose. You will breathe it in throughout your appointment to feel the effects.

As soon as you start breathing in the gas, you will feel relaxed and possibly light-headed, but you’ll stay awake and responsive. Nitrous oxide wears off quickly, so you can drive yourself home after the appointment. This sedation is also safe for children since we adjust the amount for each patient.

Other Ways We Make Your Appointment as Comfortable as Possible

In addition to sedation, we also use local anesthesia to numb the area being treated. We can combine anesthesia and sedation if needed. If you or a loved one are nervous about dental visits, please let us know ahead of time so we can make accommodations for you.

Before your visit, we will examine your oral health and plan care based on your needs. Our goal is to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible. Our friendly staff is here to answer your questions and address any concerns you may have. 

We also believe in the importance of patient education. We’ll take the time to explain your procedure, especially if you have anxiety. We can provide materials and resources so you’ll know what to expect. This can help reduce fear and make you feel more confident about your dental care.

Do you have dental anxiety? We’re here to help you find the best treatment option based on your needs and comfort level. Call Integrated Dental of Florida at 941-270-9755 or request an appointment online.